Mr. Faisst made me thinking. Again.

Everytime I see a picture of a rider who is either injured (you know, the picture of a wound) or after surgery, I end up thinking and cherishing what they do even more. Unfortunately, sometimes things tend to end up bad for them. They crash and do get hurt. Like really hurt. Then they end up on a forced vacation with screws and other metal in their bodies. After that comes the routine of getting back on the bike. I know, it’s their choice to do Freestyle and they are fully aware of the danger of getting hurt. But seriously, I truly admire them for what they do despite the pain, and other unpleasant things that come with this “job”. I wouldn’t be here without them – finding passion and love for a sport I had never thought I would ever fall for.

Logically, I have had to see a picture like this, since I am writing this post. Well, Ronnie Faisst got back the rod that the doc has pulled out of his femur. Seriously, see how big it is? It’s scary. Still, I’m super happy Mr. Faisst is on the way and moving forward day by day. Frankly, I cannot wait to see him posting pictures of riding sessions. Keep it up Mr. Faisst, you are getting there!

© Ronnie Faisst

One thought on “Mr. Faisst made me thinking. Again.

  1. agree! they weren’t afraid to dream and now they do what they want! but this part of this sport is so sad.

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